So, yesterday the computer essentially exploded and I've been using the old laptop, therefore, no blog last night.
Today was a horrible day and the emotional eating began this afternoon after I'd made some brownies for some friends--leaving out just a few for us to consume over the course of a couple of days.
Those brownies didn't last, and as the bad news about the computer kept rolling in, so did the cravings.
Pizza and bread sticks for dinner, etc...I don't want to get into it, but let's just say the diet was sufficiently blown today.
Now, my "justification" of this is that on some other diets, the theory is that if you, every now and then, over indulge, your dieting body will go, "Oh, hey! I guess I'm not starving after all, I guess I don't need to hoard everything I consume" and your body resets and the weight loss gets another...jump start after your 12 hours of "cheating" is over. There is science behind this, but I don't pretend to understand it. I'm just going to use this as my excuse. A full body reset.
To sum up the South Beach Diet after 2 weeks, I have to say--
I lost a total of 7 pounds in 2 weeks, which, frankly, isn't bad.
PROS: Unlike other diets, I don't feel light headed. The diet is easy to follow, and nightly desserts are a pretty nice bonus. The diet is practical and easy to adapt to my toddler's eating, as well. It doesn't cost much more than regular grocery shopping.
CONS: It's boring. After 2 weeks, the last thing I want is another Ricotta Cheese Cake. There is no cheat day, meaning you essentially have to be good and watch and plan everything that goes in your mouth until you hit your goal weight. I don't know how people who have 100+ pounds to lose do it. I HATE watching what I eat. Hate it.
If I had my way, I would have the metabolism of a shrew, eat all the time, have loads of energy, and remain at a comfortable 118-120 pounds forever.
However, since that's not possible, I will go back to Phase 1 eating for a few days to make up for today's misbehavior, and then continue with Phase 2 until the magical, mystical goal weight is achieved.
WHAT I'VE LEARNED: I know now when I'm hungry and when I'm simply craving something. I know now that I have serious problems with portion control, and that I will forever have to watch those issues. And, most importantly and perhaps tragically, that no matter how much weight I lose, no matter how "toned" I get, I will never be satisfied with my body. I have too many psychological issues. That makes me somehow sad. It's an interesting realization.
I've learned a lot in my weight loss journey so far--it will be interesting to see how much more I have to discover.
Tune in Thursday for recipes and even a picture or two.